Animal & Plant Details

The image above displays the 7 categories of the IUCN Red list 
  • Conservation Status: <CR> Critically Endangered 
  • Eleutherodactylus: Macaya Breast Frog
  • One of the smallest frogs in the world at 12cm as an adult
  • Endemic to Haiti
  • Known from the Macaya Moutain range at highest elevations 5,000 feet and up
  •  Some species also known to have blue sapphire eyes and very unique calls and chirps.  


  • Conservation status <LC> Least Concern  
  • Trogonidae : Hispaniola Trogon 
  • Haiti's national bird 
  • Endemic to Hispaniola which consist of Haiti and Dominican Republic 
  • The conservation status has changed from Near Threatened <NT> to least concern <LC> which is a good sign, however population is still declining, and some have migrated to Dominican Republic due to habitat loss.   

  • Conservation Status <CR> Critically Endangered 
  • Dactyloidae : Anolis Darlingtoni/ La Hotte Twig Anole 
  • originally discovered by Philip Darlington in 1934 and named after him.  It went unseen for 50 years until Blair Hedges and Richard found some in 1984, in 2011 Hedges and team discovered another one which keeps hope alive. 
  • Zebra striped lizard
  • Rarest Lizard in Hispaniola 

  • Conservation Status <CR> Critically Endangered 
  • Magnoliaceae: Magnolia Ekmanii 
  • Smooth Branches and shiny leathery leaves 
  • Height 10 to 15 feet tall 
  • Species named after Swedish botanist Erik Leonard Ekman who first documented it scientifically. 


Photo Credit:  Miguel Landestoy, Eladio Fernandez, Emily Veltjen, Robin Moore