The Collection of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors being expressed through design and art.

Multimedia collage

  • Man collecting charcoal in haiti to make money

    Charcoal Production

    Charcoal supplies 75% of energy used in Haiti. Therefore the opportunity to make money by cutting down trees and burning them to create charcoal is ideal. The result is devasting as Haiti’s has lost almost 98% of its original forests. Animals and humans are also suffering due to soil erosion destroying water supply and habitats.

  • brown river with green trees around it

    Brown Rivers

    Could you imagine having to collect water for your family from a river that looks like this. Soil erosion is a process that occurs when the impact of water detaches and removes soil particles, causing the soil to deteriorate. impoverished communities are forced to destroy their local environment to survive, such as cutting down trees for construction, fuel, heat, and agricultural purposes

  • What is LOP doing about it?

    I am so proud to be in partnership with an organization like One Tree Planted. I wanted to make sure I linked my brand with a legit organization that is transparent about where and when they plant and what they do with the money. A very special addition to every purchase at includes a certificate like the one above with your name/company and the region donated two in this case Haiti 🇭🇹.

  • This image describes why trees are so important to our environment

    Why Trees? Good Question

    When I realized how much trees had an impact on humans, animals, and the entire environment I was a bit overwhelmed. It seemed like a lot until I came across the perfect organization to counter that difficulty. One tree planted makes it very easy for me and you to contribute to a great cause in a simple way.

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